Hawkwatch Data for 2009
September 4, 2009:
Hi all,
Another couple of slow days at Hornsby. Thursday, Sept 3, I did not see a single migrating raptor. Other birds were slow as well. I think the highlight of the day was the first American Coot of my season, on Pond 1-West.
Today, Sept. 4, was only marginally better. It was very humid and uncomfortable, with no wind, so trying to stay focused was difficult. I only found 2 Mississippi Kites as far as migrators, and both were very high and hard to see. The raptor highlight of the week so far has been an immature Cooper's Hawk that came sailing down the road from 1-West and went directly over the Hawk Watch canopy, and across Pond 2 into the trees. Watch out, all you Yellow Warblers and Red-wings! The only other noteable raptor I found was a single Swainson's Hawk that seemed to be hanging around the hayfield in back of the CER building, where they were cutting hay the past few days.
2 dark Ibis flew out of Pond 1-West late in the day, and Claude Morris reported an immature White Ibis, but I never got to see it. There are still many Stilts and other shorebirds, including a small flotilla of Wilson's Phalaropes. I only saw 1 Avocet yesterday, and none today.
Tomorrow I will try to get out early, about 9:30-ish if possible, and stay til 3:30 or 4. It all depends on the weather, and if I'm picking up any birds! Right now, I'm kind of praying for rain!
-Peg Wallace