Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Partnership
River Monitoring Trip
First Saturday of every month at 8:00 am
Join the Travis County Colorado River Monitoring trip for a day on the river monitoring birds and more, and help the Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Partnership learn more about the ecology of the Colorado River. Meet at the CER parking lot at 8:00 am, and you MUST provide your own boat.
Check out the Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Partnership Facebook Page for updates and photos from the river monitoring trips.

Monthly Bird Survey
Second Saturday of every month at 7:00 am
Starting in 1999, the monthly Bird Survey has taken place at 7am on the 2nd Saturday of the month. We meet at Hornsby Bend in the Center for Environmental Research at 7am for the morning survey. All levels of birders are welcome - the survey is a great way to improve your skills since we form teams matching experienced and novice birders. In the morning, we have teams covering different areas of the Hornsby Bend facility and count numbers of all birds seen. We meet again around 11am to tally up the species. If you'd like to join us for the morning just show up at 7am. We meet at the CER building which is the first building at the entrance to Hornsby Bend. We'd love your help!
For more information contact Vincent O'Brien
Monthly Birding Fieldtrip
Third Saturday Jan-Nov 7:30 am - 11 am
(no field trip in December)
Our free monthly birding field trip takes place on the third Saturday of each month and departs from the parking lot of the Center for Environmental Research at 7:30 am and ends by 11:00 am. The field trip leader always is an experienced birder who knows Hornsby Bend well.
For more information contact: Kevin Anderson

Ecological Literacy Days
Last Saturday of every month 9 am - 1 pm
Help maintain Hornsby Bend! Did you know that all the Hornsby Bend trails, habitat gardens, and kiosks were built and are maintained by volunteers? If you enjoy birding or walking along the Colorado River here, please join us in maintaining these amenities and supporting public access at Hornsby Bend.
Wear work clothes [long pants], hat for shade, and sturdy shoes; bring water and binoculars if interested in birds
For more information see the CER website.